Purify, Vitalize, Restore with Our Wellness Therapies
Welcome to The Cambium Wellness Center at Tree of Life. We’ve created this center to serve as your go-to resource to purify, vitalize and restore your health naturally and achieve optimal wellness. Here, we offer the area’s widest array of innovative, non-medical wellness technologies that support detoxification, body balance, structural therapy, exercise, and healthy weight loss.
Scroll down to learn more about the meaning behind the center’s name … and check out all the wellness therapies available here (to reveal the details of each therapy, simply click on the green bars with the different therapy names).
The Cambium Wellness Center: What’s Behind the Name?
When naming the Cambium Wellness Center, our desire was to have a purpose-filled identity that spoke to new growth, health and vitality occurring naturally.
“Cambium” is the thin layer of cells located in the stems and roots of trees that makes the trunk, branches and roots grow larger, thicker and stronger as the cells actively divide and multiply to form new layers of tissue. The inner bark, found between the cambium and the outer bark, acts as a food supply line by carrying nutrients from the leaves to the rest of the tree. The cambium annually produces new bark and new wood that pass down through the phloem, which stimulates growth in cells.
This naturally occurring process of new growth reflects our goals in the Cambium Wellness Center. In supporting and achieving balance within and strengthening the body, we can help clients grow stronger and healthier.
AVACEN® (Advanced Vascular Circulation Enhancement)
AVACEN is an FDA-Cleared, over-the-counter, non-invasive device that may provide temporary relief for arthritis, muscle and joint pain, and muscle relaxation without a prescription. In addition, the AVACEN 100 has E.U. CE Mark Approval for the temporary relief of widespread pain associated with fibromyalgia and the increase of microcirculation.
How it works: Your hand plays an important role in your thermal regulation. It contains a unique heat exchange vascular network that distributes blood throughout the hand. The AVACEN 100 is designed to use this unique network to thin and warm the blood before it returns to the heart for distribution throughout the body, improving restricted blood flow and supporting the body’s self-healing and regeneration process.
Studies have shown that increasing micro circulation may help enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrition to muscles while helping to carry away toxins. The result is healthier, more relaxed muscles throughout your entire body and reduced pain.
Contact Tree of Life for an AVACEN session or to learn more about the benefits of this non-medical, complementary therapy.
BEMER (Bio-Electro-Magnetic Energy Regulation)
Good circulation is key. The improvement of micro circulation supports your body’s most important control mechanisms for healing, recovery and regeneration processes.
BEMER, Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation, is an FDA Class II cleared consumer medical device that, during an 8-minute session, sends a low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field to the body in order to safely stimulate healthy muscles which temporarily enhances local blood flow, resulting in better disbursement of oxygen within the target tissues while supporting the elimination of CO2. Additional benefits from regular use of BEMER may include reduced stress, improved relaxation, optimized physical performance, enhanced muscle conditioning and physical fitness, and a better overall feeling of wellbeing.
Tree of Life also offers additional BEMER therapies that can be added during your session, including:
- B.LIGHT – an application that may help alleviate skin conditions, support impaired wound healing or for cosmetic use.
- B.SPOT– be it your knee, elbow, wrist or a particular area on your back, this is designed for targeting individual body regions and may help reduce pain.
- B.PAD – can be applied to almost any body area and may help reduce pain.
Contact Tree of Life for a BEMER session or to learn more about the benefits of this non-medical, complementary therapy.
BioMat (Infrared & Negative Ion Therapy)
Enjoy the warming power of the sun’s infrared rays while benefiting from deep penetrating results. The BioMat, which gives off far infrared rays and negative ions, using the mineral amethyst to deliver the rays and tourmaline to deliver the negative ions. Since ancient times, amethyst has been called a “healing stone,” as it emits an inherent wavelength of 32,876 KHz, which enhances vital cell activity.
The far infrared rays warm up your body and keeps it warm as it stimulates the mitochondria in your cells. This promotes circulation of the blood. If your body temperature rises by 1 degree Celsius, then enzyme activities will be increased by more than 40%.
In addition to easing stress and improving long-term health, the BioMat can help ease pain and provide temporary relief from minor muscle and joint pain, joint pain associated with arthritis, muscle spasms, minor sprains and strains, and minor muscular back pain.
The BioMat also can deliver health benefits such as:
- Reducing stress and fatigue
- Soothing and relaxing your body
- Supporting the immune system
- Improving sleep (if associated with pain relief)
- Reducing inflammation (where applied)
- Increasing tissue oxygen (due to increased circulation where applied)
- Promoting relaxation by application of heat
- Promoting restful sleep for those with occasional sleeplessness
The BioMat is an FDA Registered Class II Medical Device for pain and stress management. An experiment that had 12 people use the BioMat for one hour a day provided results showing stress hormones were reduced by 78%.
Contact Tree of Life to learn more or inquire about a BioMat session.
Bionic Hydrotherapy Footbaths
As a detox therapy, the Bionic Hydrotherapy system draws out toxins and heavy metals at the cellular level so that they enter the lymphatic vessels and emerge in the footbath water. This elimination happens in pulses instead of a toxic stream. The footbath signals the body to prepare a portion of the encapsulated metal along with associated parasites for release. A timed 30-minute session will result in one or more of these releases in addition to a cleansing of the blood and lymph.
These heavy metals may damage the liver, kidneys and blood before the body has a chance to eliminate them. To reduce their toxic effect, the body encapsulates these metals and stores them in the tissues of organs, muscle and even nerves. There they may create lasting organ and tissue dysfunction. Metals also lower pH (acidity), which may encourage yeast, bacteria and parasites.
Other benefits of hydrotherapy footbaths may include:
- Better eyesight
- Increased energy
- Decreased chronic pain
- Improved sleep
- Strengthened immune system
- Decreased symptoms of chronic illness
- Improved mental clarity and mood stabilization
- Less congestion and decreased allergy symptoms
- Decreased fluid retention and increased circulation
Pair an ionic footbath with the warming BioMat to rebuilt and detox on two levels.
Contact Tree of Life for a Bionic Hydrotherapy Footbath or to learn more about the benefits of this non-medical, complementary therapy.
Curatron PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy)
Curatron PEMF offers direct recharging of cells for relieving discomfort, reducing inflammation and more. Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) is modeled after the earth’s own electromagnetic pulse to improve circulation and cell metabolism. Human bodies are alive because of electromagnetic exchanges between cells. Brain waves are measured with EEG tests and cardiac waves through EKG tests.
PEMF therapy introduces a low frequency pulsed electro-magnetic field that recharges the cells of the body, allowing them to float freely, increasing their effective functioning surface area and consequently enhancing circulation, oxygenation and hydration. At the same time cellular ability to absorb nutrients and remove toxins from the body is greatly increased.
Each organ in the body has cells which operate at different frequencies. What is unique about Curatron PEMF therapy is its pre-programmed settings for a long list of specific health concerns, including:
Brain Disorders:
Our wellness coach will review your complaints to customize a PEMF session unique to you and your current needs to personalized your 30-minute Curatron session.
Curatron PEMF therapy is an ideal way to help strengthen your body in a natural way, with no side effects. Contact Tree of Life to learn more about PEMF therapy and schedule your appointment for this beneficial therapy.
Far Infrared Sauna
Saunas have been used for centuries in various cultures to aid in detoxification, wound healing and overall wellness. Far infrared saunas combine the long-revered effects of natural sauna with new infrared technology to heat from the inside out.
Detoxification is an essential part of maintaining good health. The most effective, natural means of detoxification is perspiration. Far Infrared Heat therapy uses the wavelength of the visible and non-visible light spectrum of sunlight that heats the body normally. Traditional saunas raise the temperature of the air to a very high level within the chamber to warm the body; some people experience difficulty being in this extremely warm environment. Instead of heating the air within the enclosure, far infrared saunas heat the body directly, and the result is deeper tissue penetration. In the far infrared sauna, the body perspires and receives all the health benefits, but avoids the extremely hot air of a traditional steam sauna.
Our private far infrared sauna room includes a separate shower so you can enjoy the benefits of detoxification without having to purchase an expensive home sauna. Contact Tree of Life to schedule a sauna session. Be sure to ask about package rates.
Halotherapy (Dry Salt Therapy)
Enjoy the long-reaching health benefits of a trip to the ocean with dry salt therapy! Salt maintains antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation, support improved respiratory function, and improve skin issues for children and adults alike.
Salt therapy also has calming and detoxifying influences that support the nervous and lymphatic systems helping increase energy, support better sleep patterns, and reduce stress and headaches. Because salt ions purify the air, Halotherapy also may help during flu and allergy seasons.
The HaloBoothProTM Salt Chamber at Tree of Life’s Cambium Wellness Center is the most state-of-the-art, personalized salt therapy chamber. Unlike standard salt therapy rooms, our HaloBooth Pro provides the ultimate private and most effective Halotherapy experience in just 20 minutes, compared to a 60-minute salt room therapy session. In addition, Halotherapy is about 10-15x the salt concentration found by the sea.
In the HaloBooth, dry pharmaceutical grade salt is crushed into micro particles and dispensed into a controlled environment. Salt’s natural properties absorb into your body to help remove allergens, toxins, mucus and phlegm, which detoxes the lungs and helps you breathe better. Salt also helps the skin and is absorbed by the dermis.
Conditions that may benefit from salt therapy as a complementary and holistic approach include*:
Respiratory issues
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Colds
- Sinusitus
- Bronchitis
- Emphysema
Skin issues
- Eczema
- Dermatitis
- Psoriasis
- Rashes
- Acne
*Salt therapy is not meant to treat or cure any disease or health condition. It is merely a complementary therapy to support overall wellness.
Contact Tree of Life today to schedule your first Halotherapy session and enjoy some “beach time” closer to home!
Hydrogen Inhalation

Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy
Hydrogen, the most prevalent atom in the universe, is essential to life. It is considered Generally Recognized As Safe (G.R.A.S.) by the United States Food and Drug Administration and may prove to play an important role in restoring balance to the body relative to inflammation.
Hydrogen has the potential to behave like a selective antioxidant and only react with the hydroxyl radical, which is common in the human body. Hydroxyl radicals cause harm in the form of oxidative stress and have no beneficial function.
Multiple studies show hydrogen gas supports homeostasis in the body by down regulating pro inflammatory cytokines. Runaway inflammation has been implicated in many chronic illnesses.
We use the Vital ReactionTM Inhaler to deliver a safe and therapeutic quantity of molecular hydrogen gas for inhalation.
Bio-Identical Signaling Therapy
The Cambium Wellness Center at Tree of Life utilizes the NanoVi™ to help produce the same biological signal your body makes to repair cellular damage brought on by free radicals. Damaged cells lead to aging and poor health. Every cell needs to convert oxygen and glucose into energy. Metabolism produces two kinds of highly reactive oxygen radicals known as ROS. For simplicity, think of one ROS as bad and the other good. “Bad ROS” are free radicals that damage your cells, whereas “good ROS” emit the signal that initiates cell repair. Unfortunately, the damage always outpaces the repair. Antioxidants help prevent damage by neutralizing ROS but they can do nothing to repair cells.
The NanoVi™ produces precisely the same signal as the “good ROS,” augmenting your body’s own natural repair mechanisms. This type of therapy may be useful in strengthening the immune system, increasing your vitality and slowing the aging process.
Contact Tree of Life to schedule an appointment for these holistic therapies individually or to pair either one of them with a bio-ionic hydrotherapy foot bath.
HydroMassage at the Cambium Wellness Center at Tree of Life offers perfectly controlled pressure, speed and can concentrate on certain areas like no other massage before. With this massage, you stay fully dressed, other than taking off your shoes. The smooth wave traveling massage consists of jets that move up and down the body with wave-like streams of heated water, allowing you to select the exact points where you’d like to concentrate the massage, the desired massage pressure, speed, and even hold the massage in any given area. This water-through-air technology allows you to rest comfortably above the water level, providing stabilization and the delivery of maximum massage pressure as the jets of warm water relax every muscle.
HydroMassage can be used for whole body relaxation or targeted to specific areas:
- Foot Massage
- Neck Massage
- Upper and Lower Legs
- IT Bands
Contact Tree of Life to schedule your HydroMassage session and be amazed at how relaxed and energized you feel.
LightStim® LED Light Therapy
Harness the rejuvenating power of light with our LightStim LED bed, offered through our Cambium Wellness Center. LED light therapy is a soothing, natural and non-invasive treatment designed to help rejuvenate, repair, and energize every cell in the body.
The LightStim is the first LED bed to gain over-the-counter FDA clearance, and is FDA cleared to temporarily relieve muscle, joint and arthritic pain, and increase local blood circulation. This full-body bed, composed of 18,240 LEDs, utilizes the power of LightStimMultiWave® Patented Technology by simultaneously emitting multiple wavelengths (colors) of light. These wavelengths of light work together to increase blood circulation and reduce inflammation so your body can naturally relieve pain, speed healing, and promote total body wellness.
LED light therapy has more than 200 medical and university studies indicating no negative side effects and showing the therapy may help:
- Accelerate wound healing, reduce bruising, redness and swelling
- Protect against cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes
- Prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals
- Decrease exercise induced muscle fatigue
- Improve post-exercise recovery and promote muscle regeneration
- Release endorphins to inhibit pain
- Protect skin from UV damage
Contact Tree of Life to schedule your LightStim session and enjoy the many benefits of this holistic therapy.
PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy)
Everything has an electromagnetic field. Just as our bodies need water, food and air, magnetism is essential because our cells need to restock electrons to perform the thousands of chemical reactions that go on within us every day.
PEMF therapy takes electricity and converts it into a magnetic field that stimulates most of the electrical and chemical processes within our body tissue and essentially recharges our cells. These magnetic frequencies pass right through the body and penetrate every cell without being absorbed or altered in any way. Supporting the body, PEMF helps strengthen the immune system, support stronger bones and joints, and assist with detoxing. Stiffness, swelling, inflammation, spasms and stress may also be alleviated with PEMF.
If you’ve been injured, PEMF therapy can also help reduce traumatized tissue and edema and decrease hardening of muscles with faster overall healing. Repairing the body’s cells through a restorative therapy could be the answer to avoiding injury-related disabilities and chronic conditions later in life.
PEMF therapy may …
- Reduce pain, swelling and inflammation
- Relax muscles
- Improve circulation
- Increase oxygen levels
- Enhance cell hydration
- Recharge/energize the cells by increasing ATP production in the mitochondria
- Assist with cellular detoxification
- Restore membrane potential (improving intracellular communication)
- Balance the immune system
- Accelerate repair of injured soft tissue and bones
Contact Tree of Life to schedule a PEMF consult and enjoy the many benefits of this holistic therapy.
TurboSonic® Vibration Therapy
Enjoy the benefits of 60-minute exercise in just 10 minutes! If you dislike exercising or are unable to engage in traditional exercise due to injury, chronic pain or time constraints, TurboSonic® may be the answer for you. TurboSonic sessions are offered through The Cambium Wellness Center at Tree of Life. Much like other exercise routines, this patented technology accelerates your body’s natural healing response, increases cellular oxygen circulation, enhances cellular nutrient uptake, stimulates cellular fluid movement and facilitates cellular waste removal, all of which are critical for wellness.
Regular sessions may help increase physical strength, balance, blood flow, mobility, flexibility, bone density and muscle mass. You may also notice a decrease in chronic pain, including muscle, tendon and joint pain. As with other exercises, increased serotonin and decreased cortisol can have a significant impact on weight loss and stress reduction too.
When you stand on a TurboSonic, large magnets inside the base move up and down on a vertical axis to cause full body contractions. The control panel allows you to change both the frequency and intensity of these vibrations to achieve maximum results. Choose a program that focuses on problem areas or specific health concerns. The TurboSonic also has special settings for children, seniors and massage.
Other TurboSonic® benefits may include:
- Arthritic pain
- Joint and ligament stress
- Menopausal symptoms
- Appearance of cellulite
- Blood flow
- Pelvic floor function
- Collagen production
- Tightness of facial muscles
- Physical strength, dexterity and endurance
- Balance and coordination
- Flexibility, range of motion and mobility
- Hormone secretion
- Bone density
- Speed training recovery
- Acceleration of weight loss
Contact Tree of Life to inquire about TurboSonic, ask about our special packages and schedule your first appointment.
TurboSonic® is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Their research is independent of TurboSonic® technology. These studies have not been evaluated by the FDA. While the use of vibration therapy and training is still a new concept to most health, fitness and medical professionals, it does not suffer from a lack of supportive research. The overwhelming consistency of findings from current scientific research is a compelling precursor to TurboSonic’s® potential applications and impact.